

The Metropolitan Institute, acting on the basis of the resolution of 11 November 2020, established a programme entitled “Ad Astra. Programme of research on astropolitics and space law”. This programme will be implemented through various undertakings and projects, including a scientific periodical with the same title. The Metropolitan Institute, being the publisher of the periodical, creates a network of scientific and expert cooperation that carries out this task on a partnership basis. The partnership is co-created by:

  • Metropolitan Institute;
  • Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk;
  • University of Business and Administration in Gdynia;
  • Baltic Sea and Space Cluster;




The Partnership’s ambition is to create a scientific journal that will obtain the status of a scored journal within 2-3 years. For this purpose, the following assumptions were made:

  • the periodical will be published in electronic form (website, PDF files and scientific databases) – however, the paper form is not excluded as supplementary;
  • the periodical will be published quarterly – publishing the magazine is less often unfavourable from the assessment position and potential scoring;
  • the periodical will be based on an open-access license, thus it will be universal and free of charge;
  • the periodical will consist of several sections, ie: (1) interviews, (2) scientific articles, (3) communique, (4) literature review (especially books and diploma dissertations).



Scientific articles in the field of social sciences will be published in the journal, from the following disciplines: legal sciences (as a basic discipline), political sciences and administration, management and quality sciences as well as economic sciences. The periodical aims to explore the problems arising from human activities in space. The priority has been given, but not limited, to the issues concerning:

  • delimitation of outer space;
  • history of space discoveries;
  • international relations in space;
  • war and military in space;
  • space security;
  • space economy (transport, tourism, mining, energy);
  • space traffic management;
  • system and tasks of public administration in space;
  • public-private cooperation in space;
  • development of space law – in the national and international dimension;
  • law of new technologies (including artificial intelligence);
  • intellectual property law.



The periodical is managed by two bodies:

The editorial office is a management body that performs organizational, technical, financial and promotional tasks.

The Scientific Council is a substantive and programme body, consisting of recognized scientists and experts, ensuring the quality of the journal, reviewing the published texts and determining the prestige of the publishing house.