dr hab. Jakub H. Szlachetko, prof. UG
He is lawyer (with the specialization on administration law), and also he is practioner in this field. He is the head of the Management Board of the Metropolitan Institute, a think-tank that supports functioning of local government units. He works as an attorney in law firm “SZLACHETKO prawnicy & urbaniści” and specializes in providing services to public administration entities. He is a lecturer at the University of Gdańsk. In 2012, for his scientific and research activities, he was awarded the Jan Uphagen. In 2018, he was a laureate of the prestigious competition “Rising Star Lawyers – leaders of tomorrow” organized by Wolters Kluwer Polska and Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.

Jan Buławski
Editor for the publishing process
A graduate of law at the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Gdańsk. Currently, he is a PhD student at the Faculty of Law and Administration UG. In his scientific activity, he deals with administrative law and maritime law, and in particular its administrative issues.

Jakub Dębicki

Jakub Kiełbasiński
Student of Law at the University of Gdańsk. Member of ELSA Gdańsk. Scientifically interested in the issues of artificial intelligence law. In the circle of his interests are also literature, widely understood art and playing go.

Adam Labuhn
Editor for Partnership Development Issues
Law student at the Higher School of Administration and Business Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski in Gdynia, chairman of the Students ‘Parliament of the WSAiB, and a president of the Students’ Maritime and Space Cluster (founding member; initiator of establishing in 2018) and a member of the Scientific Association of Administrative Law of the WSAiB. In addition, an active member of many university entities, incl. The Senate of the WSAiB, the Council of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the WSAiB, or the Team for Quality Assurance of WSAiB. He is also active in non-governmental organizations

Kamil Olzacki
Marketing and PR Editor
Member of the Management Board of the Metropolitan Institute, professionally he is associated in Szlachetko prawnicy & urbanists law firm. He is interested in the issues of spatial planning and development, environmental protection law and new forms of social activation and participation in the conduct of public policies. During his studies, he was involved in the activities of various scientific circles, including the European Law Students’ Association ELSA Gdańsk (acting as the Vice-President for Scientific Activity and the President), as well as the Student University Legal Clinic, where he has been providing pro bono legal assistance and giving lectures so far. on various areas of law.

Idalia Szul
Editor for the journal internationalization
She completed doctoral studies at the University of China (Zhongnan University of Economics and Law in Wuhan), received the title of Doctor of Law in International Economic Law (IEL) and defended thesis on “Legal aspects of intermediated securities under EU law”.
She specializes in capital market law, intellectual property and new technologies. She participated in projects related to the issue of assets based on Blockchain technology (STO / ICO) and related to game dev. Currently, she is a member of the District Chamber of Attorneys in Warsaw and the Polish Chamber of Patent Attorneys.

dr Małgorzata Węgrzak
Editor for the journal internationalization
PhD, assistant professor and lecturer in Intellectual Property Law at the Department of Human Rights and Intellectual Property Law, University of Gdańsk (Poland); legal counsel specialised in IP law, consulted the cultural institutions, co- operated with Fide (Law, Economy, Technology think- tank) and Transatlantic IP Academy in Spain; NAWA PROM scholarship holder at the Charles III University in Madrid (Spain) in 2019; awarded in the competition of the General Conservator of Monuments in Poland and the Association of Monuments Conservators for scientific work on monument protection and museology, visiting lecturer and researcher at the University of La Laguna (Spain). My research intrests include : intellectual property law, new technology law, application of the new technology to cultural heritage, artificial intelligence and IP, art and culture law, industrial design law, theory and philosophy of law, particularly with regard to principles of law.
ORCID ID 0000-0003-2956-3117; malgorzata.wegrzak@ug.edu.pl.

mgr Miłosława Zagłoba
Editor for legal services
Assistant at the Department of Medical and Pharmaceutical Law of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the Medical University of Gdańsk.
She is a PhD student at the Chair of Public International Law at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk. Legal advisor, member of the District Chamber of Legal Advisers in Gdańsk, and legal advisor to the Secretary General of the Community of Democracies
A certified PRINCE 2® Practitioner project manager. She is a graduate of the 1st High School in Gdańsk and the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk, a scholarship holder of the Mayor of Gdańsk, the Foreign & Commonwealth Office and the Stefan Batory Trust in Oxford.
Text editing and proofreading

Małgorzata Sowa-Grajewska
Language Editor
A graduate of the Faculty of Philology and History (Polish philology) and the Faculty of Law and Administration (law) of the University of Gdańsk. Trained in text editing and copywriting. In cooperation with the UG Publishing House, she edits the quarterly “Gdańskie Studia Prawnicze” and other publications in legal science. On a daily basis, she is a product manager in the area of searching and indexing acts in the LEX system – issued by Wolters Kluwer Polska.
Skład i łamanie

Katarzyna Leszczyńska