From the Editors
Dear Sirs,
acting on behalf of the Participants of the Scientific Consortium “Ad Astra”, including the Metropolitan Institute (the formal Publisher of the periodical), the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdansk, the E. Kwiatkowski School of Administration and Business in Gdynia, and the Maritime and Space Student Cluster, with satisfaction – but also with a sense of trepidation – I present to you the contents of the periodical “Ad Astra. A Research Agenda for Astropolitics and Space Law”. “Ad Astra” is a new journal, hence let me briefly introduce it.
By the decision of the Scientific Consortium “Ad Astra” is a scientific journal (embedded in various fields of science, based on the concept of consilience), open and widely accessible (to all interested), published electronically on a quarterly basis. Each issue is published on a dedicated website, and otherwise sent out by newsletter. I hope that the thematic profile of the journal shaped in such a way will fill a certain gap in the publishing market and additionally will complement the existing, mainly technical space publications with new content.
In the structure of the journal there are several sections. They are, in order: Interviews, Articles, Announcements, and others, appearing depending on incoming materials and texts. Important content can be presented in many ways. In addition to the traditional form of an article (the editors assume that an article can fit on 10-20 pages of unformatted text) or, unfortunately, the disappearing form of a communication (the editors assume a limit of 2-4 pages), there are also other forms of scientific discourse, among them interviews, policy papers, reports, and reports.
I hope that the results of the work of the Scientific Consortium “Ad Astra”, as well as the appointed Scientific Council and Editorial Board will prove interesting and inspiring for you, which will affect the permanent interest (and perhaps even cooperation) with the periodical. I cordially invite you to read! I look forward to your comments and suggestions!
Best Regards
Jakub H. Szlachetko, PhD
Ad Astra Science Consortium

Faculty of Law and Administration of the University
of Gdansk